Today we signed up for the Summer Learning Journey for the school holidays. Our first activity was an art colouring book. Here is the link to the colouring book Link. We had to go onto there and choose an image and I chose the waves. Then I got to repaint it, but there was only a certain amount of colours to choose from. I liked doing it because I liked the way that there was all sorts of pictures to choose from. Have you ever done the Summer Learning Journey before?
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Tuesday, 1 September 2020
Barrier Games
Today we did barrier games with Mrs Minehan. I was partnered up with Sora and you can go check out her blog post Click here. We had to move shapes on our screens and then we had to describe how to do it to our partner. For Example: The yellow dinosaur goes in the bottom right hand corner and the tree in bottom left hand corner. The one I liked the most where you had to say where all of the pictures went. I learnt about how tricky it is to give instructions when you can't see what the other person is doing and when they are facing a different direction. Have you ever played a barrier game?
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Calendar Art
This term with Mrs Swinburn we did calendar art. We got to choose what we wanted to do for it. I decided to do a fox because they are my favourite animal and I liked the idea of the background because I think it looks nice. Does your School do calendar art?
Friday, 3 July 2020
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
This week with Mrs Minehan we made a morphing animation. First we had to decide on what we were morphing into and then we slowly had to turn into what we chose. Some people made their character change onscreen others made their characters go behind something and come back out as something else. Have you ever Created an animation?
Tuesday, 9 June 2020
St Johns

This week on Thursday afternoon our class went to go lean some stuff with the St Johns lady. First we went is and she taught us the way to put some one if they are not responding to you, and also when there is no emergency service in contact. Then she told us to get into pairs and do it to each other. After that we got into groups and did a challenge where we got into a group and we had to save a friend that got hypothermia. So we had to save him not all of us completed the challenge correctly but some of us did. Then we all finished off and said goodbye and thank you and left. Have the St Johns people ever come to your school?
Friday, 5 June 2020
Andy Warhol Art
Last term before lockdown we did some art inspired by Andy Warhol. The first thing we had to do was dye the background, we got to choose 3 colours for our background. Next we made the frame and dyed it. After that We got a photo taken and we traced around it on a peice of acetate and painted our hair, clothes, eyes and lips. After that they got cut out and stuck onto our background and then we had to draw a wood grain on the frame. Then we cut out our names and stuck them on. Have you ever done any Andy Warhol art?
Sunday, 19 April 2020
My Anzac Baking
This Friday our teacher told us that we had to bake Anzac biscuits or something else this weekend. I decided to make biscuits and an Anzac slice. I hope you enjoy reading on how I made them. Have you ever baked anything for Anzac Day?
Saturday, 4 April 2020
Unexpected Pet!!!
Last year for Christmas (2019), I got 2 pet Fish and a Snail so He could eat some of the algae. I got a Black Moor and just a plain Goldfish, the snail I got had the shape of a garden snail. The next year (2020) My snail died in the month of January, very sad but strange! My question was How did He die?
No one in my family is snail experts so we just called him a boy. His name was Sampson. But a while after he died My Black Moor Died in February from bladder disorder infection😢. One month Later My poor Goldfish Rocky is still alone at least we thought he was. It was just the normal morning and I got up to feed him fish flakes. After I fed him I was watching him eat when I saw a black dot at the top of the fish tank at first I didn't worry about it but then I went and told my sister and she said it was probably fish poo but I know the fish poo isn't that big. So I went and got Mum and asked her if snails lay eggs. She didn't think so, so I asked her to come and look at the black dot. It had like a swirly cone shape at the end. Then we thought about it after we looked at the swirl and I said "Sampson Must have been a girl!!! It turns out she was a girl after all. I searched up online "how many eggs can snails lay" and it said hundreds. So Rocky was actually spending a minute or to under the rock sometimes which he doesn't normally do. So I decided that he must have been eating the eggs. Now I know the answer to my question How did she die? because she laid eggs Did you know that snails could lay eggs?
No one in my family is snail experts so we just called him a boy. His name was Sampson. But a while after he died My Black Moor Died in February from bladder disorder infection😢. One month Later My poor Goldfish Rocky is still alone at least we thought he was. It was just the normal morning and I got up to feed him fish flakes. After I fed him I was watching him eat when I saw a black dot at the top of the fish tank at first I didn't worry about it but then I went and told my sister and she said it was probably fish poo but I know the fish poo isn't that big. So I went and got Mum and asked her if snails lay eggs. She didn't think so, so I asked her to come and look at the black dot. It had like a swirly cone shape at the end. Then we thought about it after we looked at the swirl and I said "Sampson Must have been a girl!!! It turns out she was a girl after all. I searched up online "how many eggs can snails lay" and it said hundreds. So Rocky was actually spending a minute or to under the rock sometimes which he doesn't normally do. So I decided that he must have been eating the eggs. Now I know the answer to my question How did she die? because she laid eggs Did you know that snails could lay eggs?
Thursday, 2 April 2020
Pj Day
Tuesday, 17 March 2020
Science Roadshow
This week the year 5 and 6's went to a Science Roadshow at Hokitika Primary. There was other schools there and they did two shows for each school. They did 1 experiment for each show. In the 1st show they put a cider in the milk. It made the milk go all funny and turn it into curds and whey. Then after they showed us the experiment we got to have a look around. There was weird stuff and games and puzzles. One of the weird things was a horses heart and two other hearts but I didn't know what animals they were from. There were other things and one of them was a wind tunnel and you had to wear safety glasses and earmuffs. Next to it was this really cool orb that had a glowing light and if you touched it would make the light brighter and one of the strings would follow your finger. There were cards and you had to figure out how the things on the card worked and you would have to tell someone how it worked. Have you ever been to the Science roadshow before?
Thursday, 12 March 2020
Fact or Opinion / Coast to Coast
Friday, 6 March 2020
Kawa Of Care
This week we did Kawa of Care posters. We had to write down the bullet points of the Kawa of care so we could hang the posters on the wall. Do you have a Kawa Of Care at your school?
Tuesday, 3 March 2020
Friday, 28 February 2020
Moving up
This year I moved up into the last class in the school. Only very few year fives move up into Room one. I got a new teacher his name is Mr Abbott, and every Friday we get a different teacher and her name is Mrs Swinburn.
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