When the year 5 and 6 students were away at camp we did some work around the BFG. On Wednesday when Mrs Swinburn came in to teach us she said that since we were doing work around the BFG we could do some Roald Dahl artwork. We had to make up our own characters it was a bit trick at first because I didn't know what to draw. Then she said that we had to make our characters all wobbly like Roald Dahl art. I called mine Oscar. Oscar the King of giants. Have you ever read one of Roald Dahl 's books?
Elizabeth your description of Oscar is very detailed. I hope Oscar can get over his nervousness about other creatures. I think is would be awful to be scared of most animals. I know you have lots of pets at home so obviously you enjoy the company of other animals. Maybe Oscar is afraid of what will happen to his very polished shoes if an animal steps on them.