Thursday, 30 May 2019

Cybersmart Art

Today Mrs Minehan talked to us about the images we use off the internet. We learnt that it is best to create our own, so she showed us how to download an image from the Explore tool onto Google Drawing and then we made it our own by using the Pollyline line tool to draw over it and colour it in. It was so much fun. Have you ever made your own images like this? My favourite part was to colour in the dragon in.

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Making Autumn Leaf Sun Catchers

Today in Ruma Piwakawaka we made leaf sun catchers. This is how we made them, so first we painted the ring of a paper plate and left it to dry. Then we collected some coloured leafs and put them in a laminating sheet and laminated them. After that we cut the laminated sheets out and put the cut out ring around it that is how we made them. Have you ever made one and how did it turn out?

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Science experiment

Today we did a science experiment and it was putting dye in water then we put a white flower in it. It took a couple of days but the flowers weren't changing colour that quickly. Then Mrs Swinburn added more dye into the water and now they look colourful. Have you ever done a science experiment and how did it look?